Behm Law Group LTD. lawyer
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Behm Law Group, Ltd.- Serving Southern Minnesota
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An Experienced Individual & Business Bankruptcy Attorney

Don’t let debt overtake your life. Choose a bankruptcy attorney who will help you take the first steps towards financial rehabilitation. At Behm Law Group we exclusively practice bankruptcy and have nearly three decades of experience, so you can put your trust in our bankruptcy attorneys. Call us today to get started with a free consultation. 

Individual bankruptcy icon

Individual Bankruptcy

Take the first steps towards financial rehabilitation. Our individual bankruptcy attorney works with you to explore your debt recovery options.
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Corporate Bankruptcy

Discover your options when faced with filing corporate bankruptcy. Our attorney works with you to explore and discuss all of your financial recovery solutions. 
Bankruptcy lawyer and client

Meet Our Bankruptcy Attorney

A leader in bankruptcy law, Stephen Behm uses his extensive experience, knowledge, and skill to seamlessly guide his clients through the bankruptcy process with as little disruption to their lives as possible. Stephen graduated from Saint John’s University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and a minor in Economics. He earned his Juris Doctor from the University of North Dakota, School of Law. He is a Consumer Bankruptcy Specialist certified by the American Board of Certification and is accredited by both the American Bar Association and Minnesota State Board of Legal Certification.

If you are at the end of your financial rope and want to take control of your financial future, choose Stephen Behm as your bankruptcy attorney. Call our office today to get started with your free consultation.

Call today for a free consultation with our bankruptcy attorney.

(507) 387-7200

*The information contained in this website is provided for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal advice. Submitting an online query through this website does not establish a client-attorney relationship. Do not send confidential information to Behm Law Group LTD until such a relationship has been established. 

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